Thursday, August 30, 2007

Series of unfortunate events

Got a shock when I found out that my father fell down and hit his forehead. His forehead is quite swollen and blue black. Doctor said that the impact is the same if you were boxed by someone on the face. I'm really not used to seeing bruises especially on my father. But I thank God that he didn't hit the most sensitive part of his head. That would be so,so terrible.I worry for my parents especially when they are are sick. Nothing I can do but to leave them in God's hands.

After dad fell down (which was at the petrol station), he still wanted to go to work. Minutes after that, a dog suddenly ran towards the car and hit it. The impact, of course killed the dog and damaged the front part of the car. Dad now realised that maybe God wanted him not to go to work but to go back home and rest. His blood pressure was super high after the fall, it would not be good if he continued working the whole day.


ajw is off to Bukit Tinggi for the weekend.Yay!

ajw is waiting patiently, but the time hasn't come yet.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yesterday, Today

I had a great weekend although I wish there are 3 days in a weekend instead of 2. Had my second brother and his family over at our house after 6 months of being away from here. Well, I had a great time(plus a few minor 'shocks' when he told some'd never know what they are). Little Debbie is so grown up already and little Enoch is such an angel. :-)

It's going to be one hectic week for me. ajw thinks so. It's time for me to add more fuel to the progress of my assignments. My college choir is going to present an item this coming Tuesday for the Ministry of Higher Education. Gone is my Tuesday morning. Plus, it's going to be a week of the 'revealing'. I pray for courage and assurance. Didn't see this coming. Really.

The past whole week I was really so semangat-less. Honestly, I didn't feel like meeting people and I was a bit tired, I don't know why. I hope this week would be better. And then there is that something I've been praying for. It's been a while already. And I'm still waiting. How long it would be I do not know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today has been a super blur day for me. So blur to the extend that the makcik in the kitchen yelled at me for almost putting my plate at the wrong place. Donkey. Still recovering from flu.

Will tomorrow be a better day? I want it to be.

Won't you say something?

Sunday, August 12, 2007


It's been a very fruitful week and weekend for me. Although there were many complains from myself, I've learnt to accept the circumstances around me. I thank God for life. Yes, many things are not according to our expectations yet there is still much to discover, however hard it may be. You just need to persevere and carry on.


Little things I so often take for granted. But when I magnify it, it looks different from the way I always see it. These are the eggs of an insect that looks like a spider but it has six legs.
'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding'

Last week I felt that the Lord was speaking to me about this and it was confirmed today when Dad spoke about 'Fearing God' during service. 'Understanding'. It's knowing what is happening to us, the people around us, and the world. We cannot know it by ourselves but it is God who shows it to us. We would never understand our situations unless we have a reverential fear towards God.


The Mum finally came back from The Land Down Under. Everyone was anticipating her return to Malaysia because 2 months seemed like a year. Well, I'm glad that her journey back home was fine. Was praying hard for for safety back home.

So it's already her second day at home and I can tell you the tremendous changes she has made to our house. Gosh. She reorganised the whole sitting room and the big old faithful piano found itself into a new spot. Despite of all the noise from my sister and Dad, she was still determined to change everything. But, it turned out well. Something different for a change. It's good to have her home. But The Eldest Son has booked her again for 1 month next year! Oh dear. Let next year worry for itself.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


It's absolutely ridicilous for the Education Faculty to tell us that we must start dressing up formally starting from the 1st of August. Imagine walking from my college to Edu Fac and then from Edu Fac all the way to Science fac wearing such uncomfortable shoes. I dare not think of the time when I need to walk for 10 minutes all the way to Genetics building for my Cytogenetics lecture.What nonsence! And no more jeans! It's not really a problem for me to wear skirts but this means more restrictions, y' am I going to cross a very, very wide drain if I'm wearing a skirt? plus I've to be be extra berhati-hati when the wind blows. Grrrr!

Me going to have a cheese cake to calm me self down.

I shouldn't complain.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Today I was brought back to the time when both of us were best friends. A girl by the name of Suzanne Tan was my first closest and best friend. We did a lot of that girly things together, you know, playing with Barbie dolls, masak-masak and other childish and silly games. But as the years went by, we became different and we slowly drifted apart. Today, I was wondering how she is in Australia. Have not seen her for so long and hearing from her mum, she'll probably settle down there for good. Sigh. Feeling a little bit nostalgic. Wish I could turn back time and make things better for the both of us. Why must people change as time passes by?

Talking about people changing.
Because you changed, I've not talked to you for more than a year. So sad right? We meet every week but we don't exchange words.

People. Mengapa kita semua macam ini?