Sunday, March 16, 2008

They make me smile :-)

The little worm

Little Enoch, such a handsome boy he is.

Little Laura watching TV. I like the sillhouette effect.

They both call my father, Grandpa. Tze Shen(Young Eng's son) and Debs. My dad fetches them from kindergarten at least once a week. There was this day when both of them were sitting behind, then Debs suddenly asked him 'Tze Shen, I love you'....oh my...hehe

Like father like daughter
Pretty Laura.

Danielle and Yohand. Danielle told me, 'You look exactly like your sister'. I answered back, 'She's older than me, but how come she's shorter than me?'. She then had this confused look on her face.

Little Andrew (The one on the right) told a joke in the car. I didn't expect this from him.
'What did the porcupine say to the cactus?'
Are you my mother?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego....Oops, no...It's Christopher, Shadrach and Elijah

During Knocky Knock's 1st birthday party.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I need to make decisions, very important decisions!

There are just too many ironic situations happening in my life. Too many....

I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I leave it all to my Lord. Whatever happens will happen for a reason.

Today brings me back to 2006. The friendship that went sour and there is still no reconciliation. The only thing is, we still smile at each other...just for courtesy sake. I'm still praying about it until today.

Recently my thoughts are like this. Berselerak. Messy. Just like the picture below...Oh well..
Clouds...they never fail to interest me-beautiful
My Lord has been faithful. He's always been faithful to me. When I read what I've written in my journal a few years ago, I'm reminded that no matter how tumultuous life can be, my Heavenly Father is always present. Just as I've said before, I thank God that He didn't allow certain things to happen. If he had answered some of my prayers, I don't think I'd be the person I am today.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ok. This is MY blog. and most of the time I have to think twice before posting something up here. but I don't care now.

Aah, suddenly I don't feel good.

That kind of irritating feeling and thoughts in my head telling me to start worrying and that God is not helping me at this moment.

And that thought that wants me to feel lonely just because there isn't that certain someone beside me.

Plus the thought that tomorrow will be a full day. Classes and a lab from 9.30pm to 6.15pm with only 1 hour break in between, and Easter practice from 7.00pm till 9.30pm.

You, Adelene's Thoughts are such a bane!

No. I shall not be discouraged.