Saturday, October 31, 2009

Still not a porkified dog.

This was Loopy in September. Today Loopy looks like a porkified dog. No picture of him yet because he has evolved into a very, very hyper dungu.

Colours inspire me to be more creative.

In times like this.... out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am so in love...

with David Klinkenberg. Listen to 'Track 3: Holy, Holy, Holy- feat. Jim Brickman' (top, right). I can listen to it over and over again and not get bored of it.


Matthey Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds. Aaaah...


both of them are so good looking. Hehehe...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I attempt to blog about something but then I end up not blogging because I just don't know how to be more specific. Or maybe I'm just plain lazy. Or maybe I just like to keep the thoughts to myself. Or maybe because I have lost all the mood to blog when the computer screen turns blue.

Got called for an interview next Monday at Putrajaya. Thank God! So many steps ahead and this will be the first major one. Oh, before that I still need to decide: 1. Selangor 2. ?

I miss Sabah and the things I did almost everyday when I was there:
1. Driving the kids to tuition and school. (It's not so hard to remember the roads there).
2. Driving to town .
3. Watching Season 4 of 'Criminal Minds' every night with Mum after she has put the kids to sleep.
4. Eating pork and beef noodles (and drinking coffee) for breakfast with Mum. Yum!
5. Looking at Mount Kinabalu everyday when I drive Laura to school.
6. Looking at the clear blue sky. (I come back home to Banting and it was so hazy).

There is a time for everything.


More pictures here.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another one?


During this time of waiting, I feel absolutely helpless (and scared). All I can do is to pray and trust that God has taken care of my future. I really can't wait to teach. Wouldn't mind teaching in Sabah if not because of 'that'. but the other part of me also strongly wants to be near to home, near to my parents.

I miss Loopy because by the time I go back, he will be a huge dog and no more a puppy.

'May our memories of kindness be long and of offenses be short.'

Friday, October 09, 2009

Let your light shine forth.


I like the way Sabahans speak Malay. It makes me like the language even more.

Little Joshua William was born on the 6th of October at 6.50pm. He weighed 2.9kg.

Note to self: Take picture of Kak Lin whenever she carries a plate, sack of rice, bag, etc on her head.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Hey ladybird.

Despite feeling physically weird the whole day (sighs), just now I decided to go look for big-red-eyed flies, then I came across a pretty ladybird and a strange looking caterpillar.

It's nice studying about King David. (I think David's a nice name..and I always imagine King David looking strikingly handsome..aah). Reading 'A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore.

God gives us a firm place to stand, but we have to decide we want to take it (or not).