Friday, July 18, 2003

School computer

I'm telling you, the school computer which I'm using is really testing my patience. Silly computer. Arggghh...I"m not sure whether my post will be published of not! But yet again, I've to remind myself the main purpose of me using this computer-to find information about Chemistry because our Chemistry teacher told us to!
Anyway, I'm now at my school's computer lab and we're supposed to study Chemistry. But no one seem to be learning anything. How can we learn anything with ultra slow computers? We'll go mad. We are going mad already. Well, anyway I"m still not sure whether my post will be published or not, so I better don't type anything long. But then again, if I stop typing now and start sending this post, then I've to wait for millions of seconds(I can hear my friend lamenting on how long to computer is taking to load the page!). On the other hand, I can type a lot and then send it after spending some quality time on the computer. And then it'll be worth waiting for this damn computer to load the stupid page. But what will happens after I click 'Send your post'? Will it get lost in the web and never appear again? Or will I see my post nicely tugged with the previous posts?
Really mind bogglingt,trying to figure out the all the probabilities. Again, stupid computer. ok. I'm going to try to send this post. If it's published, then I'll be happy.hurrah.Claps for this slow computer. If it's not going to be published, no one's going to see this post. So what's the point of me typing then? Oh well, let me remind myself again. My whole purpose of using this computer is to while away my time during Chemistry.ok. I'm going to send my post. Whether it's going to get lost or not, it's totally God's will..or not..Anyway I don't care...Of course I care!. I spent about half an hour loading up this page and another 15 minutes or so typing this post. I'm going to click 'Preview Your Post'. What happens after that, I don't know....

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