Sunday, December 14, 2003

Very often I ask God why He had put me into situations where I can't seem to cope with. Why was I born at the wrong time? Why does everything feel so strange to me? These are the type of questions I often question God . I absolutely know well that my whole life is in God's hands and he planned it long, long time ago and God doesn't make mistakes but why is there this feeling of sadness and loneliness in me? I don't know but I guess time will change everything and maybe when I'm older, I'd be able to understand everything better.

I still remember Colin shared to us about 'worship' during RBS, that the most important aspect in worship is to worship God in spirit and in truth. Of course, I guess everyone knows this for sure because it is in the Bible but do everyone really apply this in their lives? It is hard to come before God with a troubled heart and especially if we have problems with other people and we find it hard to forgive them. We can't ask God for forgiveness if we cannot forgive others. I personally feel that it is so hard to come forward to God if I myself have not been living a righteous live.

Worship is not directed to ourselves but to God. Sometimes I feel that we are too carried away by the style of worship that we tend to put our focus on the music, how well the musicians performing, how well are we singing, rather than focusing on God himself. It seems like we are entertaining ourselves rather than entertaining God!

There is no such word 'singspiration' and the term is used by many churches. Well, this was something new to me when I heard that 'Singspiration' is actually a name of a Christian song book so maybe it's appropriate for us to use 'Praise and Worship' rather than 'singspiration'. I still remember the look on Colin's face when he told us the word 'singspiration' doesn't exist. Well he seemed sick and tired of people..(Malaysians).. often using the term 'singpsiration' which is not even found in the dictionary!...heheh!....