Monday, December 26, 2005


Christmas...has been quite lonely,
Amelia is not here for the first time,
Timmy & Aida,
The two brats Daniel and Andrew plus the little angel Laura are not around,
It's so different,
on a happier side,Mike & Wuey Ping with thier mischivious daughter were here,
Debbie really entertained us a lot, I'm so amused by her!

This Christmas, I pondered on the grace of God. How He so freely gives us grace which we do not deserve and we so often take it for granted...what we do does not count in order for us to be saved..God sent Jesus Christ to save us while we were yet sinners.I thank God that I can have Him as my comfort when life seems so hard. Life can be hard and I'm faced with some disapointments and challenges sometimes.

This Christmas, friendships were renewed. I thank God for friends who are there to encourage one another to grow in the Lord and to cheer us up when we're sad. I thank God for some close and special friends who will always be there when I'm in need, to be crazy enough to make me laugh like a crazy person :-) I'm so grateful and thankful.

This Christmas, I am touched by the evangelistic meetings we had. The 1st one in Chodoi-I pray that the hearts of the people will be touched by the message and that soon they will receive the gift of salvation freely.
The 2nd meeting in TPG-I'm so excited to see so many people who turned up even the Indians. I thank God that our 'Saturday Sunday School' has many children. I pray that as the seeds have been planted in these young children, it will grow deeply and be nourished by the Word of God. I'm so happy to see thier enthusiasm to learn more about a God who was unknown to them before.
The 3rd meeting in the orang asli village. I'm so touched to see so many people esp little children. They were so excited to see so many people (and so much food!). I'm specially touched to see many of my former orang asli students. Surprisingly they remember me! I pray that they will open up their hearts to receive the good news which they've never heard before, to understand that there is a God who loves them so much.
Finally, the last meeting on the 24th Dec. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to take part in it and I really enjoyed it so much! The performances were good and especially the sketch(although I cannot understand a bit what it means). I thank God dat many people turned up and maybe God has a plan for them to come and I pray dat someday(soon), they will come to God.

This year's Christmas has been so meaningful. I'm really am so overjoyed! Honour & Glory be unto God!

For unto us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government shall be on His shoulders.
And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

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