Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today I'm so happy I received a postcard from my friend who's in Camp Camerons. Didn't expect him to send me one. :p Yesterday Miss Close-and-Gila friend sent me a letter and today from his postcard, I found out both of them are in the same chalet. She's the mama, he's the son. How ironic. I wonder how the mama is treating her son...hehe..Looks like they're having a blast up there while I'm down here moaning and groaning to myself. Oh well, I think the good thing is I'm having the rest that I need but then too much rest can make a person so lazy and unproductive. Now I'm trying to study the book of 1st Samuel and hopefully I can finish studying 1st and 2nd Samuel in these 11/2 months of holiday.

I don't think my friends know that I like to cycle. It's weird though but yeah, that's me-I like cycling. I find it so peaceful and I'm able to reflect on certain things. Once in a while I'll be able to spot a few familiar car number plates when I'm cyling along the road of my Taman beside the main road (I don't know how to describe this) and most of the time, in the evenings the sky would look so beautiful with different hues of orange and purple adorning it.
I just cannot get over this. I really cherish the friendship we had (still have) but I still don't know what's the problem that caused both of us not to talk. That's what I feel is happening now. Like I said, I'm so shy when it comes to approaching different people. Yup,it's a real disadvantage to me. But that's me. I'm trying my best to talk. Of course some people would say that I talk a lot but only to them that I talk a lot.Sigh.Myfriend has been a very good friend to me and to others also. Quite encouraging at times(most of the time) and is a good Christian. Sometimes I'm confused. I wonder why do I bother so much of not being able to talk to Myfriend. Why do I trouble myself with this? I think I know the answer. I really feel like telling this person what I feel. I might be feeling tired of keeping it all to myself although Miss Close-And-Gila friend who's in Camerons knows about this. I might be feeling tired of speculating things and figuring out the possiblities of why this is happening. Why? Why? I really would like to know if it's my fault then probably I could fix it. Then again I wont get the answer because I'm a coward. I'm too afraid to aprroach Myfriend.
I don't care if people read my blog or not. It's just a place where I could just pour out my feelings although I would not want to spill the beans and let anyone know what exactly is happening in my life :p And I've not reached that stage where I will infuse serious issues in my posts. Not yet. Maybe once in a blue moon or when I'm ready to do so. I don't know.....

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