Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's 5:39 pm on this computer

Be prepared for a not so orgonized post.
Aiyoh. So many things on my mind. First of all, I am so frustrated with UM's registration system especially Science and Education faculties. There isn't any communication between the lecturers and the registration system. Some lecturers want their class to be small but then the registration system allows so many students to register for that subject. So when some of us 2nd year students enter our first class of that subject(actually meant for 2nd year students), the lecturer sees that the class is too big and therefore she easily says 'only 3rd and 4th year students can join this class. All first and second year students please leave'. It's so was so easy for her to say that without realising that once we drop that subject or any subject for that matter it's going to be so hard to replace the credit hours. So I lost 2 credit hours. Just like that.
And then, I don't know why of all subjects(abt 100 of the luar fakulti subjects) they had to close down 'Iklim dan manusia', the subject that I registered for. There goes another 2 credit hours. Stupid. I had to find a replacement for the 4 credit hrs I lost.
Ever since I was in secondary school, I hated public speaking. It's ok for me to speak in small groups or during a class presentation but to speak infront of people with a certain topic and only 5 mins to prepare is something that I really really dislike. Since I had so little c/h, most of the subjects are full and most of the 'interesting' luar fakulti subjects have been filled up, or it clashes with my other subjects....I was left with no other choice.......but to register for 'SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS'........aiyohhhh.........
And then when I went to that lecture, of all people I had to be the first one to go in front and introduce myself. We had to make it interesting blah, blah, blah...and we had to share our personal experiences. And there are only 10 people in that class. My goodness. But......good points for this class are:
1. Lecturer is so warm and friendly
2. She only gives positive comments to everyone(although some of the students bore all of us with their boring stories...I think I do also..hehe)
3. She also writes down comments on a piece of paper for everyone.
4. Everyone knows everyone in the class. 10 people only compared to our bio lectures with over 200 students in one class.
5.Hopefully I can speak better after this....hehehe
Well, still short of two credit hrs, but I think it's ok...At least I got more time for my three maths stubjects.
What's on my mind now ...
After posting this, I'm going for our Malam Suai Kenal comm meeting which Im in charge of. So many things to think about. Still short of RM300 and the event is next wednesday.Praying very hard about it.
I would really like if people would reply my smses especially when I have asked them about something very important example, if they can come for a meeting, or a practice,etc......bleh......I know, I'm such an impatient person, but not getting an answer makes me so frustrated....


  1. hello there,
    wan ling here
    just drop by to say hi
    hope you are not too stress up with MSK coming soon :)
    just found your blog through py's one


  2. i bet the non replier or ur sms is samuel leong...hahaha

  3. haha...yup,he WAS one of them..until i don't know what happened to him, he was suddenly/miraculously 'transformed'into someone who replied my sms within dat minute/hour.shocking..its so not him..dat was during the time we were planning 4 msk is over,im sure if ive sent him any messages he wont reply after many, many moons...or never...hehehe..

  4. he's been like that forever
    Gets me so darn frustrated, seriously..
    Squat brains
