Friday, October 27, 2006


This evening when I looked out from room window, I saw how beautiful the sky was.It had orange, purple, grey and blue hues that made it very nice to look at. I said to myself hey, it's such a beautiful evening, I shouldn't waste it by sitting in my room studying stupid maths.hehe.After all, because of the haze it's been quite a long time for the sky to be clear. So I decided to take my doggy out for a walk and enjoy the evening. And then, I was looking up into the sky....I saw a swarm of migratory birds about 100 of them at quite a close range. They were all heading south. These are not the usual small birds but BIG, BIG birds and they formed a VERY BIG V. The sight had a majestic feel to it because of how the birds were flying...slow and majestic. It's was truly a beautiful sight that I've never seen before in my life....If I were to compare to all the beautiful scenaries that I've awed and admired at...this cannot be compared to what I've seen today. Truly amazing....

I thank and praise God for His beautiful creation. So beautiful......

Oh sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things!

Thursday, October 26, 2006 be continued will never be continued 'to be continued' has taken forever. Thousand apologies to those who have waited patiently for me to sambung my 'to be continued' post. Well, I guess I wont continue it anyway. It's been too long already. One month? Sometimes I just don't feel like blogging because there are a lot of things going through my mind. I'm so tempted to put everything in my blog but everything is so personal. I'd rather just tell everything to God or to my closest friends. You know lar, once I've spilled the beans, my abang will ask me thousand and one questions.hahaha
Yesterday I attended my church member's wedding. (More here) It's been a while since I've attended one. It was very lovely. I especially like the decorations because I'm sure you won't see it in any other weddings. Our choir sang two songs and we sang 'God causes all things to grow' by Steven Curtis Chapman. Such a meaningful song. And then after that the bridegroom sang 'I will be here' also by StevenCC. My favourite song!.....Well, it was a joyous occasion. At least this week hadn't been so boring. I'm so sick and tired of studying maths.I miss BIOLOGY!...Finals is in 2 weeks time. BLEHHHHH!

Still thinking about something though. It's so strange when you don't expect some things to happen, happen. It's especially strange when some people approach me and tell me some things that I would never would have expected them to say. It's not bad. No. The feeling is nice but irritating. Well, in two days two people told me a similar thing. How strange and ironic. This whole situation adds on to the months old confusion and conflict that I'm facing.

Sorry to keep you wondering :-)

Got to go study maths. How does one learn how to enjoy maths? I've no idea. :-( stupid maths...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The weekend that was...

It's been a while since I've blogged. There were many attempts to blog but these attempts were often hindered by unforseen curcumstances. My computer(or to be exact, my brother's old computer :p ) has mood swings, she's getting old you know. She can decide to freeze at any moment she likes. So there I was typing out my post and my dear computer decides to take a break by freezing.BLEH! I turn off the computer and re-start it and then I've to type all over again. Forget it....
It was one eventful weekend I must say. On Friday night my YF committee spent a whole night sharing and speaking out our thoughts. We were all in a wooden house(part of the church) adjacent to the church and the wind was so strong and it started to rain heavily. The setting was nice but it was so cold! (You can only get this atmosphere in Banting..hehe)So there we were, sitting in a circle, ready to listen to each other's sharing. Some were very direct. Some spoke the truth.Some spoke with tears. Others shared their burden and concern. For me, I felt that it was the time for me to tell the truth. The truth of what I was facing all these years. I've never actually told many people about this, maybe one or two. It was hard though....Hard to get my words out of my mouth. But I still said it... It's hard to serve in a Chinese speaking church where the English speaking members are the minority. Many a times I have wondered why I'm still in that place and why I still choose the serve there although the challenges are to many for me to bear. But as I ponder further, I realise that God is still able to use me in that place although adapting and fitting into the situation around me can be quite tough. How can I say no when God calls me? I've been praying for a long time about this and as the years go by I feel God's assurance to me....
To be continued...
Got a class to attend....