Thursday, October 26, 2006 be continued will never be continued 'to be continued' has taken forever. Thousand apologies to those who have waited patiently for me to sambung my 'to be continued' post. Well, I guess I wont continue it anyway. It's been too long already. One month? Sometimes I just don't feel like blogging because there are a lot of things going through my mind. I'm so tempted to put everything in my blog but everything is so personal. I'd rather just tell everything to God or to my closest friends. You know lar, once I've spilled the beans, my abang will ask me thousand and one questions.hahaha
Yesterday I attended my church member's wedding. (More here) It's been a while since I've attended one. It was very lovely. I especially like the decorations because I'm sure you won't see it in any other weddings. Our choir sang two songs and we sang 'God causes all things to grow' by Steven Curtis Chapman. Such a meaningful song. And then after that the bridegroom sang 'I will be here' also by StevenCC. My favourite song!.....Well, it was a joyous occasion. At least this week hadn't been so boring. I'm so sick and tired of studying maths.I miss BIOLOGY!...Finals is in 2 weeks time. BLEHHHHH!

Still thinking about something though. It's so strange when you don't expect some things to happen, happen. It's especially strange when some people approach me and tell me some things that I would never would have expected them to say. It's not bad. No. The feeling is nice but irritating. Well, in two days two people told me a similar thing. How strange and ironic. This whole situation adds on to the months old confusion and conflict that I'm facing.

Sorry to keep you wondering :-)

Got to go study maths. How does one learn how to enjoy maths? I've no idea. :-( stupid maths...


  1. the key to enjoying maths is to come face to face with the full blown horror of Physics.


    All the best for your exams ;)

  2. the key to enjoying maths is to come face to face with the full blown horror of Physics.


    All the best for your exams ;)
