Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Holidays are so nice. I don't need to worry or think about anything although there are certain important things I need to keep in mind for example Cognitive assignment and my CF's Committee Planning Retreat(which is not a real retreat) next week. Well, there is so much write in this blog of mine.

Last week, we finished most of our Biology labs and I can tell you how delightful I am. No more doing bacterial streaking and culturing them. We had to culture E.coli bacteria. Gasp! No more mating Drosophila flies (fruit flies). Imagine for 5 weeks we had to mate mutant flies to produce more mutant progenies. And then we had to allow incest(my Genetics lecturer likes to use this word) among the progenies to create even more mutants. This is what I had to endure.It was fun but counting those tiny creatures can be so daunting. Poor flies. Especially the mutant ones. Some of them have scarlet eyes. Some have very tiny and cacat-ed wings(vestigial). Some would be wondering why their bodies are so black from normal.

This is how we breed the flies

A mutant fly with scarlet(bright red) eyes

A normal fly
2 flies with small wings.Imagine how hard it is for them to fly.
Poor things. And I'm so symphatetic with these fellas :-)

Poor flies again. They were etherized until they all died.Wicked. May their spirits rest in peace

Once all the flies were counted and examined we had to discard them (yes, there is a proper way to throw them away) into a bottle filled with spirit. Now we wouldn't want to throw the flies away into a waste paper basket because if we did that, the fainted flies (those that didn't really die) would wake up and territorize the lab. That would certainly be disastrous. *In a serious tone*....hehe...

Now, we must be careful not to provoke the flies. Terrible things might happen to us. It happened to my lab-mate, Miss Wong. She accidentally knocked the not-closed spirit+flies bottle and the spirit+flies spilled onto her lab coat. *Shocked!* As I said, may the spirits of the disturbed flies rest in peace. :-)

To Miss Wong, it was fun having you as a lab-mate!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:46 pm

    wow, i like the pics of the flies. XD
