Thursday, March 01, 2007


*Yawn* I'm so bored sitting down here at the computer lab. It's one of the very few days when I can get bored sitting down here, waiting for my next class.
So many 'happenings' these past few weeks and I'm just plain lazy to tell them here. Many good things happened. Got many blessings from God which I truly am so grateful and thankful for. I've learnt that prayer is not only essential in my life, but it is the only thing that keeps me going. Faced many different situations with people I know and have learnt how to deal with them. So much of learning and reassurance from God. Well, I can say that there was a mixture of so many things that I don't know how to explain them.
I miss my family. Chinese New Year was a great time because apart from Christmas it is the time when the whole family gets together again. No one knows this, but I don't quite like the feeling once everyone leaves home. It's like a sudden change. From a house filled with people and suddenly it's just me and my parents, and my Panda, and Sumiati. Oh well...
Yesterday night was so bizarre. I had 2 nightmares.*Shocking!*After the 2nd nightmare (about a death in the family,*gasp!), I suddenly woke up and a few seconds later Mike messaged me saying that WP had just given birth to a baby boy! What a sudden change! Well, I'm so glad for both Mike and WP. Now in total, I have 3 nephews and 2 nieces. :-) Can't wait to see all of them again.
Easter Night @UM...everyone is so busy with practises and preparations. I've been running here and there meeting people and getting approvals done. One year ago, I didn't/couldn't imagine myself actually meeting people. All this while I have been afraid to speak up or even meet people whom I don't really know but I now I'm so thankful for this opportunity. The feeling of getting things approved is so satisfying..hehe..But truly, it's by God's grace and I've leart and am still learning to really depend on Him in all areas which seem to be out of my control.
*Yawn*again. Time's up. Got to attend class.

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