Saturday, February 05, 2011

Chinese New Year 3rd Day.

Today was a really good day despite a VERY painful morning. There are so many words to describe this week: difficult. waiting. unexpected. unknowing. sad. happy. new experience. faith. prayer. fall. rise up. care. love. support.

That's why it get's a little tired feeling. But then again, imagine a person who can't feel anything at all. Blank. Stare. I thank God for giving me these feelings because it makes me who I am and how God created me to be like this.

Anyway, I shall not leave this blog to rot in peace. The problem is it takes a long time to load so many pictures.

1. Good breakfast at Sunshine's Indian shop
2. Very painful antibiotics injection at Banting Hospital. Good riddance of the branula. It always come back.
3. Trip to Morib Beach
4. Bought 3 pairs of really comfortable shoes for work and church.
4. Met with 4 of my schoolmates. It was a good time of sharing and reminiscing the old days.
5. Family reunion dinner only 3 came from Klang :(
6. Awesome Fun Fair! We sat on the huge (but not crickety) ferris wheel. The last time I sat on it, I think I was a very little girl. It was also in Banting.

So tell me, was I really sick last week? Where did this 3rd fever come from? Who's the culprit? (of course it's me and some bug) Now if I hadn't forced myself not to be admitted, the doctors would nicely keep me in hospital for ONE week.
I shouldn't complain.
Everything works out for the best.

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