Friday, April 13, 2012


Galilee is my favourite place we visited here. It's like a perfect place to go for a summer holiday and to just forget the worries of the world.

We reached Galilee in the evening after visiting Jerash, Jordan. It was more than 24 hours since we left KL and we still had not checked into a hotel. It's such a sad thing for me to miss the sunset across Sea of Galilee. I was too tired and decided to take my bath (didn't bathe for more than a day!) thinking that I still had time.

Nevertheless, I took a slow stroll to the lake which is near to the hotel. I sat on one of the few rocks. The sea looked so calm. And then I reflected on how Jesus calmed the storm. So this is how it looks like when it is calm. Everything looked so peaceful and serene. It felt so amazing knowing that everything mentioned in the Bible, happened here on this very same lake.

Lake Gennesaret in the evening
Sea of Galilee in the morning
Lake Tiberias
Maa'gan Holiday Village
The next day we took a boat across the sea. I experienced a little bit of the rough side of this lake. Although the sea looks small but its waves can be quite high and choppy. It was cloudy and very windy but it wasn't raining heavily. A big storm would have us thrown all over the boat.

The boatmen (or maybe our tour guide) had this Malaysian flag. They even played the 'Negaraku' for us to sing. This made me feel sad because of Malaysia's severed ties with this country. From what I have seen, everyone seems to be living peacefully. Maybe not so in some places and I'm not sure how terrible it is. It doesn't look terrible in many places. Our guide and bus driver is an example of how 2 people from 2 totally different races and religion, who can work together and be friends.

They were singing the birthday song in Hebrew to the man seated.

Rene, my colleague and friend who followed us.
One of the boatmen fed the birds and they were flying so close to us.
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

5 He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

“No,” they answered.

6 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

7 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. 8 The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. 9 When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.

John 21:5-9

Jesus and his disciples probably ate Tilapia. Imagine, about 12 or so Tilapias on the burning coals, Jesus turning each one of them carefully, making sure both the sides and insides are nicely cooked. He probably had some salt from the Dead Sea and pepper beside him. And maybe a few lemons to give them its tanginess. How did Jesus get the fish? Did he catch them by himself? Did he buy the bread? (or Pita bread which is a combination of chapati and naan?) Or did He just create them there and then? Poof! He knew the exact time the disciples would arrive. The fish will have to be perfectly cooked by then. Not raw or overdone. Just right.

And this was what I had after crossing the Sea of Galille. Tilapia or also known as St. Peter's fish. It is one very huge fish and we had only this for our lunch. It was so nice, I gobbled it until only the bones were left.


  1. Such moving thoughts on Jesus and the Tilapia. I think of all the scenes in the Gospels this is the one I would like to have seen the most. Jesus grilling fish with lemons, salt and pepper. Oh my!

    Absolutely love your bird pictures! :-)

  2. Thanks Ben! I took so many photos, and I was wondering how am I going to choose just a few for one post.

    So I've decided to post about one place at a time.hehe...that's if I'm not lazy.Wonder when the next post will be.. :p

    The places that I visited did help me in making the Bible more alive. I never thought of so many things until I actually saw it, (tasted it!..hehe) and experienced it. It was really a good trip
