Little things I so often take for granted. But when I magnify it, it looks different from the way I always see it. These are the eggs of an insect that looks like a spider but it has six legs.
'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding'
Last week I felt that the Lord was speaking to me about this and it was confirmed today when Dad spoke about 'Fearing God' during service. 'Understanding'. It's knowing what is happening to us, the people around us, and the world. We cannot know it by ourselves but it is God who shows it to us. We would never understand our situations unless we have a reverential fear towards God.
The Mum finally came back from The Land Down Under. Everyone was anticipating her return to Malaysia because 2 months seemed like a year. Well, I'm glad that her journey back home was fine. Was praying hard for for safety back home.
So it's already her second day at home and I can tell you the tremendous changes she has made to our house. Gosh. She reorganised the whole sitting room and the big old faithful piano found itself into a new spot. Despite of all the noise from my sister and Dad, she was still determined to change everything. But, it turned out well. Something different for a change. It's good to have her home. But The Eldest Son has booked her again for 1 month next year! Oh dear. Let next year worry for itself.
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