Saturday, May 27, 2006

I'm off to CAMERON HIGHLANDS tomorrow.
Am I excited?
Have I packed?
Am I ready to go?
Why did I decide to go?
Because I was not thinking straight when I made that decision

I'm so glad that my YF singing competition went on so well. It went on so well that while I was playing, the stupid files on the piano suddenly fell onto the piano keys and that created such a loud noise. My goodness gracious me. And it wasnt even my files. It was another pianist's files. I'm feeling bad because I was playing for another group and not mine~sigh~ But the good thing is I still managed to continue playing despite of the MAJOR disruption. I'm sure everybody turned their heads towards me at that moment. So memalukan. But anyway, I thank God that everything went on well when I played for the two soloists and the duet from my group. The duet got 1st place and one of the soloists got 3rd. Well, everyone had a great time tonight.

I'm not feeling too good.*the thunder was so loud, and the wind is so strong outside* Having mixed feelings about everything. The next three days is going to be so dreadful. I don't know. I just pray that this camp would be a refreshing one where I could have a quiet time being alone with God. Maybe I could use this time to ponder about certain things. Oh well.....

WELCOME BACK JIA HUI & CHRIS(if you're reading this)!
...and I'm going to camerons tomorrow. Camp is at Chefoo Methodist Centre at Brinchang~sigh~ I should really stop sighing and start packing!

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