Sunday, July 01, 2007

Busy. Busy. Busy. I can't wait for the month of July to be over. But who knows, I might be busier after July. Oh well, tomorrow will worry for itself. Next month will worry for itself. Live by the day! The weekend was quite an uncomfortable one. With many things on my mind, many things to do and the super hot weather have caused me to be a little bit nasty to my sister when she came down for the weekend. Sigh. Things happen so fast that you don't have time to think straight and rationally.

I thank God for helping me go through yesterday and today. I thank Him for the smooth flow of the Orang Asli Sunday School. I'm so happy that the children were attentive to what I was teaching and one of them were even helpful in carrying my things. And as they smiled and waved goodbye to me, it makes me want to do more for them. I know somewhere in their heart of hearts, they are seaching for truth and peace that they can find nowhere in this world, except in God.

A 'Sighing' Girl. Yes, this is the new name I give myself for the week because I've been sighing all the time. Sighing to myself. Sighing to God. It's very bad, I know. But I will try not to sigh a lot and will trust in God. Ok. I will do it instead of trying.

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:15

I was sharing to my CG yesterday on the parable of the Sower and it reminded me about myself, how I treat God's word. Yeah, I often read and I hear but I've not been really retaining it in my life and what more persevering to produce a crop. Oh well, this is something that I need to improve on.

One more week of holidays. Hope I can enjoy it to the fullest before Uni starts. What am I going to do this week, besides CF stuff?...hmmmm..

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