Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pardon my English

I feel that God has been good to me today. You see, I did my assignment until 3.30am this morning (I've broken my record of staying up until this late) and was so cranky this morning because I had a class at 9.30am and I still have not finished the donky assignment. But, as I said, God is good, my class was until 10.ooam and now I have enough time to finish this donkey assignment before I go to my next class which is at 12.oo.Well, the cranky-ness is not because of staying up so late but because I had to edit and change all the lab reports of my group members. Imagine working with future science teachers who can't speak English for nuts and they can't even do their lab reports properly. How are they going to teach in schools later? Oh, and some of my group members were primary school science teachers and now they are doing a degree in UM and they can't even speak a proper sentence in English.

1 comment:

Suit Lin said...

thank you for doing the editting, I hope ours did not give you too much problems :)


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