Sunday, February 13, 2011


Joanna, schoolmate since primary school. I still remember a few of our conversations together although we were not together in upper secondary. I really regret not continuing the close friendship we had earlier on in primary school.

Thilaga, another schoolmate since primary school. I can still remember her 2 long pony-tails which she had in standard 2. She's this very fair and pretty Indian girl whom I knew since Standard One. Both of us were in rumah merah and during sports day in 1993, we all performed with the coconut tempurung and that famous Kitaro piece as the background music. That was so fun. We always had our practices under the huge Saga seed tree (the one with the red seeds) beside the field...

Becca. She was the first one to get married. All four of us were in 5 Curie and on one very boring day, we were discussing who among us will get married first. If I'm not mistaken all of us agreed she will the first one. And well, true enough, it really happened.

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