Saturday, February 26, 2011

Respect God.

Pride of India


Respect God.

You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by his poverty He could make you rich.

This is how He showed His respect to us.

ODB reading today mentioned about respecting God.

"We respect God when we put ourselves out for Him. We all experience dry spells when the Bible seems irrelevant, our prayers don't seem to matter, (closed ones getting sick with all sorts of serious and deadly illness), and we'd rather sleep than go to church."

"If we continue to put ourselves out, even when we don't feel any benefit, we pay God the highest respect."

We respect God even though everything does not make any sense...This is how I see it. Who am I to question The One who created me and who knows me better than I do.

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